Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama is on the right track, yes the government needs to do their part. but the people of this country are going to be the ones who get our sinking economy floating again. i think that starts with everyone being willing to give a helping hand.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


pictures like these are truly inspirational.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


i think that its awesome that everyday people can make money by simply posting a youtube video. i might try it out myself.


i think that touch screens will become obsolete soon. technology is always changing and this is just another breakthrough, soon this screen that you don't have to physically touch will become obsolete and there will be an even more convenient computer on hand.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Not good... Not good at all. go ahead read the article yourself.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


people are stupid! i cant believe that material items are worth more than a persons life to some people. it is truly disgusting and makes me sick! i hope these that ones involved will have to pay the price, no one should get away with murder.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


i don't think myspace should be allowed in school. its not that its dangerous, but don't you think kids spend enough time on myspace at home?


It is funny to me that there are still pirates around, ya you heard me pirates! over 70 ships have been pirated or hi-jacked off the coast of africa..... who knew.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


so if we put a whole bunch of co2 in some rocks it might help stop global warming? hey sounds good to me, might as well try it we got nothing to lose. im not sure about this whole global warming though i mean, i live in colorado and it is freaking cold here!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


i just checked out a website that had 10 new laptop concepts, i think that some of them are pretty cool. my favorite one definetly was the laptop that was built into the desk. talk about saving space! i dont think that the handheld will take over this industry, i think that people will always want a larger computer in their home.

Friday, November 7, 2008


im not sure what i want to do when i get older, but here are a few computer jobs i might be interested in, web design:;,graphic designer:, or maybe internet marketing:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


the election is today! I'm so happy finally there might be something else on TV now. i just don't know who is gonna win. i want McCain to win, i heard that Obama was gonna penalize all coal powered power plants till they go bankrupt. i hope that's not true, my dad is a coal miner and we wouldn't have a paycheck anymore if he becomes president. we'll see what happens.

Monday, November 3, 2008


so get this, Colorado is making a football team to compete in the down under bowl. A tournament in Australia that the entire nation is competing in. and i was chosen to be on the team! if i can raise 5,000 dollars i get to go to Hawaii for like 5 days then we go to Australia to play in like 3 games, im a little scared though. im a 165 pound defencive end, if i dont gain like 30-40 pounds it is safe to say i could die. we'll see what happens, i need 4,000 dollars before i can do anything..... feel free to contribute!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Halloween started as a evening when poor people would go door to door and beg for food. in return, the poor would pray for the family's dead relatives that contributed. they would mainly gave a pastry called "soul cakes". the children picked up the saying "going a-souling", its pretty much down hill from there. man i used to love tricker-treating as a kid, now Halloween is just another holiday, really just another day. i'll probably just sit at home and watch t.v, or maybe shoot some hoops with some friends. we'll see nothing special though.

Monday, October 27, 2008


this week is red ribbon week, which is sort of drug and alcohol awareness. i know that there are a lot of kids that have drug and alcohol problems in this school and any event that tries to help prevent people from doing those is a good event. unfortunately i don't think it really gets through to the kids, i dont think that it ever will. it has to be a personal choice. nobody is gonna scare these kids into getting sober. they know the consequences and they still do it. that dosent mean you quit trying but, i dont know it seems like your gonna lose no matter what.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


i don't know much about computers, but i do know that i would buy a mac over a PC cause of the cool commercials they have. my mom says not to believe everything that the TV says, so i did a little research. (when i say little i mean really, really little). i checked out this website that talked about the rivalry, it said that macs are the better computers. i guess the commercials were right. but hey i cant afford either of them any ways so i guess we will see who is in the lead in a couple of years from now. here is the site.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


our football team got their butts kicked at hotchkiss and now we can not lose again! it has been surprisingly a disappointing year for us, some how we have lost three times. we have meeker this weekend, i hope our team will be ready. we'll have to have the best practice of our lives! our backs are up against a wall, it will be interesting to see how we respond. i think we'll be OK.

Monday, October 13, 2008


k so the school banned a dance that was considered to be way to inappropriate. kid's are not happy. you know what, its hard for me to comment on this subject cause I've never been to a dance before, but i think that the school should have some control over the dancing, if they feel that it is well, to inappropriate. kids go to plenty of party's where they can do this style of dancing, and since the school is paying for the event you don't really have a say, do you? besides there probably doing it to please your parents. if its really bothering you, have parents sign a petition saying they don't really care how you groove to the music.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


there is an issue concerning the computers at our school. they currently have a filter in place that blocks most of the websites on the Internet. i understand the moral behind it, trying to keep the students from looking at anything inappropriate but there has to be other ways. i mean as a student it is completely frustrating to try and do research for your class and not be able to get to any of the sites. they have all these computers but the students aren't able to use them as a tool to learn, the whole reason their here in the first place. yes they made it to where you could request to have it be opened up but it never happens, and if for some reason a miracle occurs and you do get a site opened up it is already to late. you have no use for the site any more. i think that there should be partial censoring, block the sites like myspace or facebook, or block sites that have key words that are going to definitely lead an inappropriate site. there are so many different ways to keep the computers safe, without blocking the entire Internet.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i'm not sure if i agree with this statement, i mean ya people had to have a big imagination to be able to invent things and make inventions better. but to make something better you have understand it, you have to know how it works. sure you could just pull it up off the Internet, but what happens when your in a situation where there is no computer handy? as far as it changing the way education in America is being taught, i think that could be a problem. there are jobs like web design where imagination is important, but what about the millions of jobs that are asking that you just know the numbers or just know how to do something that you were supposed to learn in high school or college but you didn't. you relied on a computer instead of your brain and now someone who didn't rely on the computer is taking your paycheck. i think that computers are a great tool but they cant be the only tool.

Monday, October 6, 2008


hey, my name is jeremy i live in hayden,co. i guess my blog is gonna be about a whole bunch of different random stuff. maybe ill talk about our football team cause we are freaking awsome! i dont know i guess ill just go with the flow. what ever it is enjoy!!