Wednesday, October 8, 2008


there is an issue concerning the computers at our school. they currently have a filter in place that blocks most of the websites on the Internet. i understand the moral behind it, trying to keep the students from looking at anything inappropriate but there has to be other ways. i mean as a student it is completely frustrating to try and do research for your class and not be able to get to any of the sites. they have all these computers but the students aren't able to use them as a tool to learn, the whole reason their here in the first place. yes they made it to where you could request to have it be opened up but it never happens, and if for some reason a miracle occurs and you do get a site opened up it is already to late. you have no use for the site any more. i think that there should be partial censoring, block the sites like myspace or facebook, or block sites that have key words that are going to definitely lead an inappropriate site. there are so many different ways to keep the computers safe, without blocking the entire Internet.